— Achieve your goals with functional lab testing

Your Body Is A System...
Measure It!

Our integrative nutrition experts offer functional lab testing that can help you to identify your individual food triggers, nutrient insufficiencies, or genetic factors that could be contributing to your health problems. 
Your body— your SYSTEM

Find Your Pathway

We partner with CellScience Labs to give our clients meal plans based on their nutrition test results not on some random study or fad diet. You also receive a consult with a nutritionist for additional lifestyle guidance.
Functional Nutrition Testing 
  • Cellular Nutrition Assays
  • Celiac, IBS, & Crohn's Array
  • 250 Foods - Alcat Testing Panel
  • DNA Methylation Detox Profile
  • Telomere Test
  • NAD+ Level Test

We don't guess


— Level up

You're unique. Your nutrition plan should be too.

Rather than use a “one size fits all” approach, we utilize advanced lab testing to help identify root causes of your health issues and personalize a nutrition plan that not only meets your unique needs, but is as realistic as possible for you to implement.
— Our Lab Partners
Write your awesome label here.
Cell Science Systems Corp. is a speciality clinical laboratory that develops and performs laboratory testing in immunology and cell biology supporting the personalized treatment and prevention of chronic disease. 
— Clear test results
Write your awesome label here.
Our results are color-coded, easy to understand, and include either research based commentary or detailed interpretive guides.

250 Foods - Alcat Test Panel 

The Power of Knowing

There is a new paradigm in health and medicine - personalization. Health can be improved and maintained by knowing how food plays a role in your body.
The Alcat Test enables you to take advantage of leading technology to create a personalized eating plan resulting in benefits that can be seen and felt.

The results from the Alcat Test help determine which foods and other substances may trigger unwanted inflammation. When complying with the Alcat Test results, many clinical symptoms associated with food sensitivity may be substantially improved or possibly prevented altogether. 

Uncover Food and Chemical Sensitivities with the Alcat Food Sensitivity Test

The Alcat Test uncovers foods and other substances that trigger chronic inflammation and related health conditions, such as gastrointestinal, respiratory, and joint issues as well as migraine, dermatitis, fatigue, and metabolic disorders.

The Alcat Test measures cellular reactions to over 450 substances.
Scientific studies using the Alcat Test to guide diet have shown significant improvement of many common symptoms.

To date, the Alcat Test has helped well over half a million people change their health.

How it works

A small sample of your blood is sent to the laboratory overnight where it goes through a multi-step quality assurance process. Your white blood cells are tested against foods and other substances in a process using an impedance methodology based flow cytometer. This is a very accurate way to determine if your relevant immune cells react to the test substance. Your results are presented in a clear, easy-to-read, and color-coded format. You will also have the option of having a 30-minute complimentary educational session to answer any questions you have about implementing your test results.

Cellular Nutrition Assays

Are you getting proper nourishment?

Many individuals are exceeding their calorie needs but still not meeting their requirements for essential vitamins and minerals. The test enables you to take advantage of leading technology to create a personalized eating plan resulting in benefits that can be seen and felt.

Cellular testing for nutrient sufficiency, antioxidant capacity, and specific protective antioxidants

Metabolism happens within cells. Cells need nutrients to be metabolically active. The Cellular Micronutrient Assay (CMA) is your tool to assess and address insufficiencies in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) as well as amino acids, and other nutrients within immune cells. This is a reflection of long-term nutrient status not just a “snapshot” as is seen in serum nutrient tests.

An overload and accumulation of free radicals (from pollution, toxins, medication, radiation, etc) in the body can result in oxidative damage which plays a major role in the development of chronic and degenerative illness.

Antioxidants can help protect the cells from oxidative damage. The Redox Assay measures the overall antioxidant function of your immune cells. The Antioxidant Protection Assay (APA) identifies specific antioxidants that significantly improve your antioxidant capacity and protect your cells from oxidative damage.

How it works

A small sample of your blood is sent to the laboratory overnight where it goes through a multi-step quality assurance process. 

Easy to understand, color-coded test results show “nutrient sufficiency,” “borderline insufficiency,” and “insufficiency”. The function and dietary sources of each insufficient and borderline insufficient nutrient are described within the test results’ commentaries.

DNA Methylation Detox Profile

MethylDetox Profile

More than 50% of your patients are affected by genetic variations in the methylation pathway. Standard MTHFR genotyping only evaluates folic acid metabolism. The MethylDetox Profile makes it easy to understand the complicated methylation process by giving comprehensive insights into the functional status of the methylation pathway.

The MethylDetox Profile includes genetic markers involved in methylation and homocysteine metabolism provided in a detailed lab report with personalized commentary. Additionally, continued homocysteine testing enables easy monitoring of your progress.

Genetic variations in this pathway are associated with elevated homocysteine levels, impaired methylation processes, and limited detoxification capacity. As a result, these SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) may contribute to accelerated aging, certain chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative disorders, impaired gene-regulation, poor drug clearance, and impaired neurotransmitter metabolism. 

Understanding Methionine and Homocysteine Balance

Methionine and homocysteine metabolism are areas of active scientific and medical investigation. In addition to the MTHFR gene, specific SNPs in other genes also affect individual methylation capacity and homocysteine levels. 

Methionine and homocysteine balance is important for optimal health. Homocysteine is resynthesized from the amino acid methionine. In general, amino acids are supplied from a balanced diet or supplementation. However, a certain amount of methionine is recycled for methylation in the methionine/ homocysteine pathway.

Therefore, the primary purpose of methionine/ homocysteine balance is to ensure proper methylation by donating methyl groups for:
* DNA methylation (gene regulation)
* Regulation of neurotransmitters (e.g. epinephrine, norepinephrine, and serotonin)
* Detoxification of catecholamines from the environment
* Drug clearance (phase 2 liver detoxification)
* Homocysteine is also a precursor in the biosynthesis of L-cysteine for glutathione; glutathione is important for the detoxification of electrophilic compounds (metals).

Elevated serum homocysteine is a widely accepted marker for methionine/homocysteine imbalance, which is a genetically controlled process. Elevated homocysteine levels can lead to accelerated aging, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and other conditions. 

How it works

A small sample of your blood is sent to the laboratory overnight where it goes through a multi-step quality assurance process. 

Test results are provided both in the context of the methylation pathway and personalized commentary including lifestyle and supplementation considerations. Throughout treatment, homocysteine testing is recommended to monitor your outcomes.

Celiac, IBS, & Crohn's Array (CICA)

Find Out If Gluten Is Impacting Your Health

Consider the spectrum of gluten ingestion. On one extreme, individuals with celiac disease cannot tolerate even a trace of gluten. On the opposite end, fortunate individuals can enjoy pizza, beer, pasta, and cookies without any adverse effects. In between lies a vague territory of gluten reactions, encompassing conditions like gluten sensitivity.

Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disorder where eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, triggers an immune response that damages the small intestine. This damage hinders the absorption of nutrients and can lead to various health issues. People with celiac disease need to follow a strict gluten-free diet to manage symptoms and promote overall well-being.

Now, consider someone in the middle of this spectrum—let's call them Alex. Alex falls into the murky territory of gluten reactions, specifically gluten sensitivity. Unlike those with celiac disease, Alex won't experience severe reactions, but consuming gluten may lead to discomfort and various symptoms. This example illustrates the diverse ways individuals interact with gluten, ranging from extreme intolerance to fortunate resilience, with Alex navigating the middle ground of gluten sensitivity. The Celiac, IBS, and Crohn’s Array (CICA) evaluates your risk for celiac disease and Crohn's disease, serum markers associated with an active celiac disease process, and serum markers associated with active Crohn’s disease. 

What is Crohn's disease?

It’s a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can affect any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. The CICA really connects the dots on Celiac Disease, Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, and Crohn's Disease. It’s meticulously designed to provide an accurate evaluation of GI tract function by gathering information from various pathways. Optionally, it can be combined with the Alcat Test to evaluate innate immune cell responses to more than 500 other foods (including gluten, gliadin, casein and whey) and substances for the most comprehensive assessment.

Find out if gluten is impacting your health

Testing Options Option
1: Celiac, IBS, and Crohn’s Array (CICA) Full Array- (Genetic + Serologic)  Option
2: Celiac, IBS, and Crohn’s Array (CICA) - Genetic Only Option
3: Celiac, IBS, and Crohn’s Array (CICA) - Serologic/Antibody Only

Prevalence of GI Issues 

In the United States an estimated 60-70 million people are affected by gastrointestinal (GI) disorders.

Celiac disease may be present despite the absence of GI symptoms, particularly, in relatives of individuals with celiac disease.

  • In the U.S., 2 in 5 Americans are affected by GI disorders.
  • Up to 20% of adults in North America suffer from ulcerative colitis
  • Up to 1% of the general population have symptoms of celiac disease
  • 15% of the general population in western countries suffer from indigestion and constipation Not surprisingly, there is an overlap between these disorders.

How it works

The CICA is a comprehensive test array that analyzes genetic predisposition, detects specific antibodies, and measures potentially inflammatory cellular reactions all through one simple blood draw.  Celiac disease risk analysis is determined based on the presence or absence of the HLA-DQ genotypes. Both the DQ8 and DQ2.5 genotypes are tested in this array, with the DQ2.5 genotypes representing a much greater risk of celiac disease.

Four specific serum antibodies (DGP IgG/IgA and tTG IgG/IgA) are tested due to their high sensitivity and specificity for active celiac disease. The higher the antibody levels, the more likely untreated celiac disease is present.

Genetic markers, mutations in the ATG16L1 and NOD2 genes, associated with the Crohn’s disease are tested along with serologic markers for complete assessment.  Anti-Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibody (ASCA; IgG/IgA) are immune proteins that are frequently present in people who have Crohn’s disease. The presence of ASCA may also reflect increased intestinal inflammation and permeability, including an association with active Crohn’s disease.

Telomere Length Test

Are you aging faster than you would like due to telomere shortening? 

Current research shows that telomere shortening contributes to cellular aging and susceptibility to metabolic disorders and chronic disease. According to scientific research, telomere shortening may contribute to aging and age-related conditions. Telomeres are segments of DNA found at the ends of chromosomes. They can be prematurely shortened when exposed to environmental chemicals, oxidation, inflammation, and stress. This leads to DNA damage and contributes to early cell death.

Inflammation, Aging, and its association with Telomeres

Inflammation is associated with aging and telomere shortening. Telomeres become shorter after each cell division until eventually chromosomal DNA reaches a critical point at which the cell can no longer divide (known as the Hayflick limit).22 

The loss of this protective telomere “armor” renders DNA vulnerable to damage and may result in an individual’s increased risk for accelerated aging and associated health conditions. If telomeres are maintained, then termination of cell division (senescence) and programmed cell death (apoptosis) can be delayed. The test analyzes your average telomere length in white blood cells compared to the normal reference range for your age-matched population.

Test results

Easy to understand color-coded test results compare telomere length to reference ranges of your age-matched population. Graphic version of the result allows for easier understanding and analysis.

Intracellular NAD Test

What is NAD and why is it important to measure?

NAD is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It plays an essential role in many cellular processes such as repairing damaged DNA to prevent cancer, getting rid of aging (senescent) cells, mitochondrial function, regulation of sleep and immune response, and reduction of inflammation and free radicals. NAD catalyzes reactions for more than 500 enzymes, including those involved in the production of cellular energy (ATP). Deficient NAD levels are linked to the loss of function and vitality as well as many age-related diseases.

The good news? You can optimize your NAD levels

Achieving optimum NAD level is your starting point to extend healthspan and improve performance. Ideally, NAD level should be measured at baseline, and more importantly after NAD supplementation. This test gives you real-time, actionable data to help you find an effective and affordable product and the correct dosage to optimize your NAD level.

Epigenetic alteration

Elevating NAD levels may increase telomere length. NAD is also essential for the functions of many proteins such as sirtuins involved in regulating gene expression

Mitochondrial dysfunction
Mitochondria generate energy in the form of ATP via the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. NAD is the key coenzyme to produce ATP. These processes are called respiration and produce free radicals that can harm the cell. As we age our mitochondria become dysfunctional by producing less ATP and more free radicals. Increasing NAD levels generate more ATP— meaning more Mitochondrial energy production in cells, which translates to health optimizations.

Cellular senescence
Senescent cells are zombie-like cells that stopped dividing and do not function normally. Increased senescence, as observed in many diseases and old people, is harmful because senescent cells secrete large amounts of pro-inflammatory molecules and contribute to age-related diseases. Boosting NAD level can reduce senescence and inflammatory proteins.

Boost enzymes that make NAD
NAMPT and NMNAT are two key enzymes needed to make NAD by our cells. Many supplements, general health, life style including the foods we eat, sleep and exercise can influence the levels of these NAD-synthesizing enzymes and have an impact on NAD levels. However, modifying these factors alone is not sufficient to optimize NAD for most people. A combination of NAD precursors, NMN supplements and the healthy life style is the best way to optimize NAD levels.

How The NAD Test Works

Collect your sample at home and mail it back

1. Register your at-home test kit -
Use the unique ID number included with your test kit to register at jinfiniti.com.

2. Collect a few drops of blood -
Use finger prick to make blood spots, mail back to our lab.

3. Receive digital results - 
View your report & recommendation in 3-7 days on our secure website.

Jinfiniti delivers easy-to-understand test results and insights. We also provide you with additional resources and helpful tips for improving and maintaining your NAD levels.

View a personalized report based on your NAD test results as well as detailed information about what your results mean for you.

Take action on your health and wellness. Use your report to help guide your next steps to further optimize your NAD levels. Attend our NAD lesson in the e Bio-Type Method platform to learn more about your test results and get your questions answered.
Easy as one, two, three

Choose Your Test Kit

Kits are packaged and sent to your home right away when ordered through out staff

250 Foods - Alcat Test Panel 

The Alcat Test measures personalized nutrition at the cellular level. The core technology is a blood test that measures the body’s cellular response to challenges from a wide array of substances including various foods, additives, colorings and chemicals.

The individual’s cellular reactivity after exposure of the blood to the various test agents, versus the person’s own baseline control, tells you which substances may be causing a sensitivity-related response in the body.

The Alcat Test has been validated by demonstrating a high correlation with double-blind oral challenges with both foods and food additives.10 In addition, a controlled study from Baylor Medical College reported 98% success for weight loss and/or improvement in body composition from patients that followed the recommended eating plan based on the Alcat test.

The Alcat Test is a food screening test, it does not diagnose a disease, but may help many chronic conditions associated or influenced by food, such as:
  • Digestive disorders, e.g. bloating, constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Metabolic disorders, weight management, obesity, type 2 diabetes
  • Inflammatory conditions that effect skin, joints or respiratory system
  • General inflammatory conditions involving overactive immune function.

Cellular Nutrition Assays - 

Are you nourishing your cells properly? Many individuals are exceeding their calorie needs but still not meeting their requirements for essential vitamins and minerals. 

Cellular testing for nutrient sufficiency, antioxidant capacity, and specific protective antioxidants Metabolism happens within cells. Cells need nutrients to be metabolically active. The Cellular Micronutrient Assay (CMA) tests for insufficiencies in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) as well as amino acids, and other nutrients within immune cells.

This is a reflection of long-term nutrient status not just a “snapshot” as is seen in serum nutrient tests. Nutrient requirements are unique to each individual so everyone would benefit from the Cellular Nutrition Assays! Online learning and training have become an essential part of our society. LearnWorlds is one of the top platforms to create and sell online courses.
  • Women’s health- fertility, pregnancy, lactation, perimenopause, menopause, and others
  • High performance and/or severe stress
  • Sports nutrition
  • Pre and post -surgery
  • Weight management, obesity
  • Burnout, fatigue, depression, mood swings, low vitality
  • Chronic conditions, and/or metabolic syndrome (increased blood pressure and blood sugar, excess body fat, abnormal cholesterol)
  • Nutritional and health status optimization

DNA Methylation Detox Profile

The Methyl Detox Profile tests critical genes in the methylation pathway. The methylation pathway is the major part of detoxification and the metabolic cycle. More than 50% of people are affected by genetic variations in the methylation pathway.

This profile enables you to intelligently use nutritional supplementation based on your genetics. The Methyl Detox Profile gives comprehensive insights into the functional status of 3 major genes associated with the methionine/homocysteine cycle.

The Methyl Detox Profile expands on MTHFR genotyping, giving you a more complete picture of your body’s detoxification abilities. The Methyl Detox profile includes smart commentaries, detailing recommended nutrients based on your genetics. Who may benefit from this test?
  • Cardiovascular Diseases such as Hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke
  • Neurological Disorders such as depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, ADD/ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine, insomnia
  • Metabolic Conditions such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, kidney diseases, reduced ability to metabolize medications, multiple chemical sensitivity
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders such as osteoporosis (in patients with Parkinson’s disease
  • Eye Diseases such as macular degeneration 
  • Cancer such as colorectal, breast 

Celiac, IBS, & Crohn's Array (CICA)

$292.00 - $585.00
Find out if gluten is impacting your health.

Who may benefit from the Celiac, IBS, Crohn's Array?
  • Those with gastrointestinal symptoms and autoimmune disorders that might suggest a problem with gluten
  • hose with increased intestinal permeability which has been linked to autoimmune disorders and other conditions
  • Those suspected to have Crohn’s or celiac disease
  • Those suffering from symptoms of IBS including diarrhea, bloating, or cramping
  • Those with chronic fatigue
  • Those with nutrient malabsorption and/or deficiency
  • Those with unexplained symptoms such as unintended weight loss or skin rash

Telomere Length Test 

Shorter telomeres have been associated with cardiovascular disease, inflammatory disorders, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cognitive decline, and other chronic degenerative conditions associated with aging.
  • Neurological conditions such as Cognitive impairment, chronic stress
  • Metabolic disorders such as Diabetes, glucose intolerance, obesity
  • Cardiovascular diseases such as Atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease 
  • Musculoskeletal disorders such as Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Immune-related conditions such as Hepatitis C, cancer, autoimmune disorders

NAD Test

The best way to boost NAD levels is via supplementation with NMN and/or NAD+ precursors. In about 10% of individuals, other supplements, foods, lifestyle, and exercise need to be managed to increase the NAD-making enzymes in order to optimize NAD levels.
  • Increased cellular energy (ATP).
  • Improved endurance and strength.
  • Improved DNA repair.
  • Reduced oxidative stress.
  • Improved glucose intolerance and insulin sensitivity.
  • Improved bone density.
  • Improved nerve-tissue generation.
  • Improved blood plasma lipid profiles.
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