Become Your Health Hero!

Master Your
Your Healing Powers, Dominate Your Life!

We help people heal and live better with personalized wellness plans that are based on their unique genetic makeup to improve health, boost energy, and prevent age-related illnesses. 
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To Win At Wellness You Must Go Within!

We guide you through an integrative system of ancestral wisdom, bio-type insights, nutritional & modern genetic pathways to optimize your health

Imagine waking up with twice the energy and vitality, achieving a fitness milestone you've long pursued, effectively managing depression/anxiety, and handling your food intolerances with newfound vigor? 

The Bio1 Method™ helps you get out of your current pain and teaches you to thrive.  You’ll learn how to set a simple action plan that’s tailored for you to go within…. and Win!

Becoming your best health hero is your breakthrough for:
  • Enhanced Energy Levels 
  • Balanced Gut and Brain Health
  • Stronger Immune System 
  • Emotional and Spiritual Wellness
  • Evading Age-Related illnesses
  • An Automated Seasonal Eating Plan
  • Weight Management on Autopilot 
  • Collaboration to Help Others!
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Revitalize Your Life:

Uncover The 7-Step Path to Transformational Health

— Take the first steps to begin to heal and optimize your health, renew your energy, and evade age-related illnesses.

We've crafted a clear foundational 7-step path grounded in ancestral wisdom and scientific principles, offering you a roadmap to personalize and reclaim your health, and flourish like never before!

What You Gain:

The Bio1 Method™ is about the One & Only You!
It's built for You to WIN by going Within!
We guide the way, and you transform into your health hero.

Personalized formulas, Engaging Courses, Innovative Workshops, Community of Like-Minded Individuals.

Hero Stories

#health_Hero | #eat_clean | #live_healthy | #biotypemethod |

“It’s amazing to see how the right Food is everything we are. It is an expression of biological feelings, ethnic feelings, and your personal history. The Bio1 method has guided me to a healthier, more balanced life, where every bite has been a celebration of self-discovery and well-being." 

Sarah Olsen

"The Bio1 method is not just about what you are and how to eat; it's a transformational experience. It has given me the tools to measure and understand my body, feed it with the right nutrients, and achieve a level of vitality I never thought possible at an older age. It's no diet; it's my own lifestyle plan that brings joy, balance, and lasting health."

Josh Castaneda

"Embracing my bio-type has transformed my relationship with food and family. It has redefined my approach to life. It goes beyond my own health journey of personalized well-being. My entire family is on board in my wellness plan. Through my newfound health routine, every step becomes a testament to self-discovery and a balanced, healthier life."

Ebony Williams

Nurturing a Sense of Belonging

Join the Bio 1 Method Network

The values that guide our community include encouragement, transparency, and a passion for the well-being of all of our members. We strive to be a magnet for health struggling individuals and enthusiasts who connect with our vision. It’s not just an online space to learn about nutrition, bio-hacks, or anti-aging practices; it’s a digital home for those who believe in their transformative powers. Our clarity and transparency not only attracts the right members but also lays the foundation for a robust community culture. Here, members seamlessly share their success and provide support to one another, fostering a collective commitment to each other's wellness journeys. 

Message from the CEO
“I had a breakthrough several years back that lead me not only to heal myself but to extend my health science expertise to specializing in holistic healing and bio-type systems of wellness. I educate people on what it takes to improve metabolism, how to work with your genetics, how to rid themselves of neurotoxins, and ultimately how to find lasting wellness when it feels like the odds are stacked against you. Teaching on the Bio1 Method™ platform and seeing our members go from pain to health heroes has been an amazing experience."

Art Aviles

Author, Coach and Founder
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